Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Schedule Released

Wed 6/23 vs Icbirdt 6:30pm (YMCA)

Sun 6/27 vs Feather Foot 5:30pm (Fieldhouse) ***

Wed 6/30 vs Icbirdt 7:30pm (Fieldhouse)

Wed 7/7 vs Justice League 6:30pm (YMCA)

Wed 7/14 vs Justice League 8:00pm (YMCA)

Sun 7/18 vs Captial 9:00pm (Fieldhouse)

Wed 7/21 vs Fogs 8:30pm (Fieldhouse)

Sun 7/25 vs FFC 6:00pm (YMCA) ***

Sun 8/1 vs Cash Now 4:30pm (YMCA)

Sun 8/8 vs Fogs 8:30pm (Fieldhouse)

*** Indicates Crossover Game

Wed 8/11 PLAYOFF Game
Sun 8/15 PLAYOFF Game
Wed 8/18 Championship Game

All Playoff game times will be subject to seeding from seasonal play


The Big Platini said...

we will be keeping statistics for all you geeks like me, but just cuz playing icbirdt 2'ce in first 3 games doesnt mean go nuts and try to score score score! If play right and smart and solid soccer we will score boatloads! thanx to mr vance the schedule is up for anyone that still gets on here!

# 3 stolen said...

Thanks for the schedule since the fieldhouse still has spring schedule up!