Monday, May 24, 2010

World Cup Watch Party

Please come out and watch Team USA's first 2010 World Cup match against England on Saturday, June 12 at the Raincheck.

What: USA v. England
When: Saturday, JUNE 12, 2010 - 2:00 p.m. – ???
Where: The Raincheck Lounge - 310 S. Averill Avenue

$20.00 Per Person - Includes Beer, Pizza, Wings, Salad and Raffle ticket. There will also be door prizes, 50/50 raffles and drawings throughout the match.


Anonymous said...

Although we only had a little less than half the team present, the event was a huge success and we were able to raise a lot of money for our club. Special thanks to those that attended and donated.

The Big Platini said...

i agree and even tho was totally unable to function, it was a big success. Special thanx to Paul, Michael, & Geoff Gale.
Side note, Mike Sly was able to get a sponsor from a local bar for $900, i dont know if he mentioned it at the game sunday, i was unable to attend.

#3 stolen said...

I was there but came late...I got there about 7 and heard stories about the big platini...b yuille, and the "twins" were in rare form as well. Been "out of the loop" for about a month but ready for the summer!