Tuesday, July 28, 2009

FSSC Looks to Rebound Against Cash Now

When: Wednesday, July 29 at 6:00pm

Where: Flushing YMCA on Pierson Rd.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some day....Some day.... Another spanking by Cash Now....

Sports Club History: said...

Lol! We will always give credit when due...and CN has had our number but at least leave your names you cowards!

Mike B said...

lol...i'll take your credit...and thanks Ricky, my hand doesn't work today...

Anonymous said...

Cowards? Is your name sports club history. What are you, 0-8-1 in the last 9 against CASH NOW?

Anonymous said...

All trash talk aside, which is very fun, I believe the Cash Now and El Toro club's have a lot of respect for each other and would back each other if need be.

Sports Club History: said...

I agree with the last comment...I think there is mutual respect from both sides and for the most part this is all just friendly banter.

But in terms of trash talking, don't hide behind the anonymity of an internet chat. I am not sure what our record is the last 9 times we've played but if you read my post I clearly said "CN has had our number." So I really don't see your point.

Paul Vance (as if no one knew who Sports Club History was)

Steve said...

Good rivalry and good trash talk. El Toro needs to put it on Bud. Paul, I'm gonna have Tommy "pincher" Grasso deal with you for that slide tackle.